For this project, students read the chapter, "Things You Did Not Know About Hoboes", from John Hodgman's amazing book, The Areas of My Expertise, and picked a name from Hodgman's list, "700 Hobo Names". Then they sketched out 360 degree views of their selected characters, and constructed masks that incorporated story elements from the chapter....lint beards, hobo nickels & symbols, train tracks, and more.
Really great job with your Project 2 Hobo masks, everyone!!!!
Roxanne Cichowlas as "Czar King Rex the Glorious Leader"
Molly Halligan as "Cleats Onionpocket"
Maddie Copp as "Bill-Never-Uses-A-Cookbook"
Aerica Lovett as "Owlie"
Katrina Wilbur as "Chiptooth Berman, the Bottle Biter"
Christin Farmosa as "Bee Beard/ Jane the Boxcar Beekeeper"
Maegan Wackell as "Cthullu Carl"
Kim Buhler as "Thom the Drunk"
Coleen Palencia as "Sweet Daddy Champagne"
James Wells as "Joey Stink-Eye Smiles"
Lindsey Anderton as "Mastiff Mama"
Samuel Hayes as "La Grippe"
Nathan Olson as "Sock Monster"
Michael Callahan as "The Scroll Keeper"